Ron's death

2020 September 28

Created by Teresa 4 years ago

Following a lengthy illness, Ron died at 9am on Monday 28th September.  He was at home and died peacefully holding my hand.  We were told back on 30th April 2019 that he had no more than a few weeks to live, in his usual way he defied the medical profession and lived another 17 months.

During his illness we bought a mobility scooter and were then able to go on trips to the coast, visiting friends and shopping.  He loved the freedom the scooter gave him and in late June he rode to the top of our road enjoying the sunshine and the breeze he said "this is nice".  He was outside in the garden from 1.30pm to about 7pm.  He didn't want to go indoors.  Maybe he somehow knew that would be the last time he would venture outside.

He never complained no matter how he suffered.  He fell getting into the shower and all he said was get me up.  The bruises were horrendous and he must have been in a lot of pain.  He never said. 

I love him so much I do not know what I will do without him.  His suffering has come to an end and I hope he is resting in peace.